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EKG Examinations

High blood pressure

A blood pressure test determines whether your blood pressure is normal, high, or low. This quick test is the only way to determine your blood pressure – and it could save your life.

High blood pressure
Irregular heart rhythms

Irregular heart rhythms

When the electrical signals that coordinate the heart's beats fail to function properly, heart rhythm problems occur. Because of faulty signaling, the heart beats too quickly (tachycardia), too slowly (bradycardia), or irregularly.

Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations are sensations of a racing, fluttering, or pounding heart. They can be triggered by stress, exercise, medication, or, in rare cases, a medical condition.

Heart Palpitations

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All patients, particularly those who are overweight or obese, should be screened for diabetes every three years beginning at the age of 45. Screening should be done at a younger age and more frequently if multiple risk factors are present.

Cholesterol Testing

Cholesterol Testing

A comprehensive cholesterol analysis is done to determine if your cholesterol is high and to approximate your risk of a heart attack, other kinds of heart disease, and blood vessel diseases.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath is frequently described as a tightening in the chest, a desire for air, difficulty breathing, breathlessness, or a sense of suffocation.

Shortness of Breath

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